Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Business Barometer Quarter 1

Are you looking for information to help improve your businesses performance? Would you like to gauge how your business is performing against other businesses across Scotland?

VisitScotland’s Tourism Industry Barometer, a quarterly survey, can help with this. The Barometer is anonymous, online, straightforward to complete and provides results at the end of each quarter. The results can give you:

  • Evidence to support investment decisions.
  • Management information to help with your current and future business decisions.
  • Access to regional and sectoral trend information.

Q1 2019 survey, reviewing January to March, is now live and we invite you to participate.

The more businesses that take part the stronger our findings are, so please help us improve participation by:

  1. Completing the survey (even if your business was closed January-March).
  2. Sharing the link with your partners, network and on social media.
  3. Highlighting the Barometer at your next forum or association meeting.

Once we have the results for this quarter, we will:

  1. Update our Dashboard with the main headline findings (all previous waves are also featured).
  2. Share a summary with all businesses in the region.
  3. Use the results to help us plan future events and business engagement activity.

Note: For those businesses that fall within the Cairngorm Business Park area please be aware that the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Tourism Barometer is not the same survey as the Cairngorms Business Barometer


The Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Tourism Barometer is part of a Scotland wide survey that provides the data to compile a regional and national level report. We invite businesses to take part in both surveys to enable measurement and comparison of data.  

If you have ideas on how we can spread the message, do email us on insights@visitabdn.com.

The Barometer survey is live until the 20 May, and can be accessed here.