Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Business Barometer Quarter 2

The Tourism Barometer is live once again, reviewing April to June of 2019. As many of you gear up for the main season, please take a few minutes to complete the survey. As well as seeing where you compare against others, the regional results will help us all to understand what’s happening on-the-ground right now.

The more businesses that take part the more valuable our findings are. Help us grow response rates by:

1)      Completing the survey;

2)      Sharing the link far and wide;

3)      Spreading the word at your networking and sector events.

Lynne Lino, Owner, Candacraig House, Strathdon, states that:

“The VisitScotland tourism business barometer has been a valuable tool for our business. We always try to find the time to participate in the survey and use the results along with the insights dashboard to help us gauge visitor data to the area along with current market conditions. This has helped shape our marketing plans and social media content.”

If you have ideas on how we can spread the message, do email us on insights@visitabdn.com.

The Barometer survey is live until the 19th August, and can be accessed here.

NOTE: For those businesses that fall within the Cairngorms Business Partnership area please be aware that the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Tourism Barometer isnot the same survey as the Cairngorms Business Barometer. 

The Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Tourism Barometer is part of a Scotland wide survey that provides the data to compile a regional and national level report. We invite businesses to take part in both surveys to enable measurement and comparison of data.