Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Business Barometer Quarter 2 Results

The Business Barometer is a nationwide survey measuring shifts in visitors numbers, turnover and optimism within the tourism industry – all from your perspective as local tourism businesses. Our region took part for the first time last quarter and we are really buoyed by the responses and the fact that so many of you (over 100 businesses) took the time to complete the survey.

You reported an optimistic mood in the region, with 70% of Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire participants stating that visitor numbers and spend were up or similar to the comparable quarter for 2017 (Quarter 2). 60% of you claimed to be very or quite confident about the next 3 months.

One of the key features of the Business Barometer is the ability to produce a sub-regional report (minimum of 30 respondents in that area required). We were delighted that in our first run of the Barometer we secured a large enough sample to obtain a sub-region report for Aberdeen City. When discussing business performance compared with the same quarter the previous year (Quarter 2, 2017), circa 75% respondents stated visitor numbers were up or similar and 87% of respondents stated spend was up or similar. Levels of optimism were on a par with the region as a whole (60%). The City figures are based on a sample of 30 businesses.

The Barometer runs 4 times a year: the more businesses we can encourage to complete the survey, the deeper the insights we will get into our region; how we are performing, what challenges we are facing and how to work together to further develop the region.

Our goals for the Business Barometer are to:

- Grow the number of businesses completing the survey each quarter;
- Reach the minimum threshold for sub-regional reports in 2 to 3 areas within Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire;
- Help businesses tackle the barriers they are facing within their day-to-day operations; and
- Use the Barometer to benchmark our region’s performance against Scotland and other comparable regions.

The next wave will take place between 8th October and 19th November, and we will be in touch nearer the time. We look forward to working with you on this project.

To discuss the results or Insights in general email insights@visitabdn.com

For the full set of results click here