Scotland's National Events Strategy - consultation workshops

A public consultation has been launched to gather views which will shape Scotland’s future national events strategy through to 2035. The consultation, which is open until 30 June, is open to responses from anyone connected with events both within Scotland and beyond and asks for feedback on a range of areas including:


• priorities for events and the event sector
• accessibility of events
• what it’s like to work in events
• how events can continue to collaborate and innovate
• how events can further help promote cities, regions, and Scotland as a whole


Take part in the online consultation


In addition to the online consultation survey, VisitScotland are hosting a series of regional face-to-face consultation workshops across Scotland during April and May, with a webinar in June for those unable to attend the workshop. A workshop for Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire will be help on Friday 21 April, 10.30am – 3.30pm at the Maritime Museum, Aberdeen.


Click here to read more and register