Launch of the ‘Tourism Game Changer’ Programme

The Tourism Business Game Changer has been designed to help tourism businesses in North East Scotland realise their growth potential.  Developed and offered in partnership by Opportunity North East (ONE) and Scottish Enterprise, the programme will support businesses with identifying target markets, defining consumer demands and refining their offering to provide the services and experiences that ensure visitors explore our region and stay for longer.

Who we’re looking for

This programme is aimed at executives, managers and owners in tourism Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and larger businesses who want to take control of their future growth.  The number of participants will be limited to no more than 12 businesses (maximum of two people per business).  The programme is intense, challenging and fun and requires a commitment of your time for the whole programme.

How it works

The Tourism Game Changer has been developed for businesses in the sector and draws on global best practice.  It introduces participants to a series of seven interlocking business growth tools over five months including one-to-one support and a best practice learning journey day.  It provides a complete grounding in business management, a framework for future learning and enables participants to rapidly implement the learning.

Teaching method

Each workshop will include a mixture of pre-reading, case studies, interactive projects and collaborative work by the participants.  You will also be provided with exercises, take-away business tools, reference for further reading and access to the ‘BusinessOn’ online business diagnostic tool that will provide a baseline of current business.


Workshops will be delivered at the Aberdeen Altens Hotel. One-to-one- sessions will take place at either the Scottish Enterprise or Opportunity North East offices in Aberdeen.


This bespoke, pilot programme is developed in partnership by ONE and Scottish Enterprise and is being offered at £250 (ex VAT) per business plus your time and commitment to the whole programme. This includes all teaching materials, access to our online portal and follow up coaching and support.

How to Apply

Deadline for applications is 5pm Monday 21 January 2019.
For any enquiries, please contact Elaine Booth:
01414 685 324