Views sought on implementation of the Framework for Growth
3 October 2022
In late August we launched the Framework for Growth, a revision of the Destination Strategy from 2018. This takes in to account the impact of the pandemic and the changes in the macro environment, assessed the achievements of the 2018 destination strategy and identified future trends and opportunities through to 2030.
The ambition is for the north-east to set the pace for tourism growth in Scotland, with visitors staying longer and spending more. It also aims to build on the north-east's reputation as a pioneer tourism business innovator and to be at the vanguard of delivering unique, high-quality experiences. Recommendations follow extensive consultation earlier in 2022 that sought views on priorities from both private and public sectors, and then mapped those onto identifiable market trends. This publication, and future action plans, should provide a focus for investment and innovation by any organisation with an interest in the visitor economy in the north-east.
We are now coming back out to tourism businesses to gather your thoughts on how best to implement these priorities. We will use the results from this survey to help share and prioritise future plans.
The survey will be live for a week, scheduled to close on the evening of Monday 10 October.
Please find links to supporting material below:
Framework for Growth 2022-2030
Aberdeen City Centre and Beach Masterplan