Lochter Activity Centre

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Accepts vouchers from booking agent

Group cancellation policy: Deposits are non refundable once paid.

FIT cancellation policy: Same as group cancellation policy.

Maximum group size: 1,500

Can stagger larger groups

Coach parking available

Can open out with normal opening hours for private groups

Fully accessible

Additional bookable product

  • Afternoon tea

Exclusive product / can be tailored

  • Tailored experiences
  • Official Star Rating
  • Opening Times

    Open All Year

    Open all year round, Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm
  • Facilities
    • Toilets
    • Child Friendly
    • Parking
    • Coach parking
  • Accessibility
    • Disabled Access
  • Accreditations and Awards
  • Official Star Rating
  • Accreditations and Awards